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Advanced hiv services

Specialized Care for Advanced HIV Patients

If you're HIV positive with a CD4 count of less than 200 copies, our Advanced HIV Services are here to provide you with the specialized care and support you need. We understand the challenges faced by this vulnerable group, and our dedicated case management team is committed to ensuring you receive comprehensive care until your CD4 count improves.

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What We Offer

  1. Medical Services: We Our advanced HIV support services encompass a range of medical interventions tailored to address the specific needs of individuals with advanced HIV. These services include:
    • CD4 testing to monitor immune system health.
    • TB treatment to manage tuberculosis infections.
    • Cryptococcal meningitis treatment for those affected by this opportunistic infection.
    • Viral load testing to assess HIV viral load levels.
    • TB Lam Testing for diagnosing tuberculosis in individuals with HIV.
    • CrAg Testing for screening and diagnosing cryptococcal meningitis.
    • Vaccinations to prevent opportunistic infections.
    • Palliative care to improve quality of life and alleviate symptoms.
    • Pain management to address any discomfort or pain experienced.

Our Goal:

The primary objective of our Advanced HIV Services program is to reduce AIDS-related deaths, which often occur due to opportunistic infections such as TB and Cryptococcal meningitis. By providing timely medical interventions and support, we aim to improve health outcomes and quality of life for individuals living with advanced HIV.

How to Access Our Services:

The first step towards accessing our Advanced HIV Services is to undergo a baseline CD4 count test when diagnosed with HIV. This initial assessment helps determine the appropriate level of care and support needed.

For more information about our Advanced HIV Services or to inquire about eligibility, please email us at [email protected]. Our team is here to provide you with the information and support you need to navigate your HIV journey with confidence.